Raúl Hurtado is married to Carolina Matny and they have 3 children, Támara, Alberto and Rebeca. Raúl is an administrator by profession with a specialty in finance and project management. He is an instructor and part of the Latin American team at the Pointman Leadership Institute. He is an instructor and member of the National School of Leadership. He is a member of the board of directors of Alfarero Santa Cruz and an invited instructor in the couples course.
Carolina Matny is married to Raúl Hurtado and they have 3 children, Támara, Alberto and Rebeca. She is a psychologist by profession with a specialty in Human Resources. She is a volunteer advisor to the Alfarero Santa Cruz and guest instructor of the couples course.
Raul & Carolina Hurtado
Pastors and Psychologists
Taking Advantage of Your Differences